Pervert Art

2015 | 5-CHANNEL VIDEO INSTALLATION • Pervert Art consists of recycled images and sound, mainly from 90’s music videos, movies and TV programmes.

Pervert Art
Jani Nummela: Pervert Art, 2015

Cinema is the ultimate pervert art. It doesn’t give you what you desire, it tells you how to desire.”—Slavoj Žižek

2015 | 5-CHANNEL VIDEO INSTALLATION • Pervert Art consists of recycled images and sound, mainly from 90’s music videos, movies and TV programmes. I am interested in using pre-existing material from culture and art. Pervert Art consists mainly of recycled images and sound, mainly from 90’s music videos, movies and TV programmes.

The piece deals with a variety of impulses, the need to admire and be admired, power and surrender, fears and erotic desires - and reflects how visual culture teaches us how we should admire and want. Videos are the personal story of a teenage boy and the images, stories, and fictitious and real persons he loved.

Pervert Art, like my other piece, Boys of Summer (2014), is heavily influenced by the works of Candice Breitz and appropriation art—scratch video in particular—defined by the use and reinterpretation of existing (cultural) material.


Pervert Art was part of KUVIS1000, a collective exhibition featuring art education students and alumni from Aalto University, commemorating the 100th anniversary of Finnish art education. The exhibition took place in Kamppi Shopping Center, Helsinki, and was curated by Minna Suoniemi.

KUVIS1000 invited people passing by, shopping, or just hanging around in Kamppi Shopping Center to take part in a continuous disco—an open space and joint performance set up in an empty store space.

Pervert Art, 5-channel video installation