
The identification of gay men with female characters in the film is a topic that I started researching in my bachelor's thesis— and which was continued in the article Shadow Superheroes (2018) in the Aalto ARTS Books publication Feminism and Queer in Art Education.

The identification of gay men with female characters in the film is a topic that I started researching in my bachelor's thesis — and which was continued in the article Shadow Superheroes (2018) in the Aalto ARTS Books publication Feminism and Queer in Art Education.

In my Master's thesis Found in Translation (2021), the theme expands, as the perspective of my research opens up on the meanings of film and its representations for queer culture more broadly.

Movies, queer and childhood have also been a motivating topic in my artistic activities. For example, Boys of Summer (2014) is an installation consisting of a video montage of beautiful young men in popular culture (music videos, movies), an appropriated, enlarged and photoshopped frame from the Superman cartoon and a (love) letter I had written to my friend, another boy, when I was 5 years old.

Found in Translation. Master's thesis, Aalto ARTS (2021)

Shadow Superheroes. Peer-reviewed article in Pusa & Suominen (eds.) FAQ Feminism and Queer in Art Education (2018). Aalto Books.

The enchantment of otherness. Queer identifications with female characters of the 90s. Bachelor's thesis, Aalto ARTS (2015)


⇢Found in Translation

⇢Shadow Superheroes

▧ The identification of gay men with female characters in the film is a topic that I started researching in my bachelor's thesis— and which was continued in the article Shadow Superheroes (2018) in the Aalto ARTS Books publication Feminism and Queer in Art Education. In my Master's thesis Found in Translation (2021), the theme expands, as the perspective of my research opens up on the meanings of film and its representations for queer culture more broadly.

Movies, queer and childhood have also been a motivating topic in my artistic activities. For example, Boys of Summer (2014) is an installation consisting of a video montage of beautiful young men in popular culture (music videos, movies), an appropriated, enlarged and photoshopped frame from the Superman cartoon and a (love) letter I had written to my friend, another boy, when I was 5 years old.

Found in Translation. Master's thesis, Aalto ARTS (2021)

Shadow Superheroes. Peer-reviewed article in Pusa & Suominen (eds.) FAQ Feminism and Queer in Art Education (2018). Aalto Books.

The enchantment of otherness. Queer identifications with female characters of the 90s. Bachelor's thesis, Aalto ARTS (2015)


⇢Found in Translation

⇢Shadow Superheroes

The identification of gay men with female characters in the film is a topic that I started researching in my bachelor's thesis, and which was continued in the article Shadow Superheroes (2018) in the Aalto ARTS Books publication Feminism and Queer in Art Education. In my Master's thesis Found in Translation (2021), the theme expands, as the perspective of my research opens up on the meanings of film and its representations for queer culture more broadly. 

Movies, queer and childhood have also been a motivating topic in my artistic activities. For example, Boys of Summer (2014) is an installation consisting of a video montage of beautiful young men in popular culture (music videos, movies), an appropriated, enlarged and photoshopped frame from the Superman cartoon and a (love) letter I had written to my friend, another boy, when I was 5 years old.